Header sealife Pharma

An Investment that pays multiple

A steadily increasing resistance against available pharmaceutical substances makes the development of new anti-infective agents to successfully treat life-threatening infections a major ongoing “need” worldwide. Marine research is the field offering the highest probability of identifying previously unknown substances with novel mechanisms of action – a crucial feature for pharmaceutical development.
Due to the strong pipeline of active substances and the uninterrupted study of new candidates based on the Ecotargeting principle, SeaLife Pharma offers its investors an attractive profit potential. We systematically test each substance from the onset based on specific basic standards, and preselect candidates for the subsequent processing based on criteria such as commercial reproducibility and toxicity. A high level of professionalism, cost efficiency and a target-oriented approach, combined with a broad cooperative spirit involving international experts, help secure the investment.
If you are interested in more details, please don't hesitate to contact us.